The Flip Side with Noah Filipiak

Connecting the reality of the gospel to the grit of life. Hosted by pastor and author Noah Filipiak.

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Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

Yo! This 5 MIN FLIP went way long. Just a heads up to brace yourself for 30 minutes and to think of this as more of a mini long-form episode. 

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Thursday May 23, 2024

Noah has a conversation with Drew Boa on the deep layers we need to address to overcome porn and unwanted sexual behavior. Within this, they discuss how trauma affects everyone, not just those with acute trauma experiences, and how this trauma leads us into our addictions and coping mechanisms. You can learn more and get great free resources at  
Drew Boa is the founder of Husband Material, where he helps men outgrow pornography. As a Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional (PSAP), Drew has worked with hundreds of men healing all kinds of sexual brokenness. Drew is the author of Redeemed Sexuality and host of the Husband Material Podcast. Drew lives in Colorado Springs, CO with his wife and three kids. His favorite activity is trail running.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube:
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Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Friday Apr 26, 2024

Noah interviews Dr. Carol Tanksley on her new book Sexpectations: Reframing Your Good and Not-So-Good Stories About God, Love, and Relationships. The conversation covers a broad spectrum of topics relating to sexuality for singles and married couples and how each of us are looking for sexual wholeness. Noah and Dr. Carol talk at length about when a husband and wife have different levels of sex drive within a marriage, the problems this can cause, and what can be done about it. 
Carol Tanksley, M.D., D.Min., is an author, speaker, podcaster, personal coach, licensed OB-Gyn physician, and ordained Doctor of Ministry. Known to some of her friends as Doctor-Doctor, and dubbed by her seminary dean as Doctor of Souls, Dr. Carol currently spends her time leading Dr. Carol Ministries, a parachurch ministry focused on helping people here and around the world find the Fully Alive life Jesus came to bring us especially in the areas of relationships, sexuality, mental wellbeing, and relationship with God. 
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube:
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Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at or to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at using promo code BEYOND
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Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Monday Mar 25, 2024

You may be in the tribe that tells you that Christianity and the Republican Party are one in the same. Or perhaps you are in the tribe that is a reaction to that approach, proclaiming that the policies of the Democrat Party are actually where Jesus would land. What if the Bible offers a very different approach to politics than the one most Christians today take? Preston Sprinkle explores this approach, comparing the United States to biblical Babylon, where God's people lived in exile, and to biblical Rome, where Jesus walked and the first century church got its start.
New York Times bestselling author Dr. Preston M. Sprinkle has written more than a dozen books. He serves as the president of the Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender and as the host of the Theology in the Raw podcast.
His new book is Exiles: Church in the Shadow of Empire.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube:
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Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at or to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at using promo code BEYOND
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Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

Noah has a conversation with Michelle Sanchez on the divisions (and attacks) that exist within the Church around doctrines relating to human sexuality and LGBTQ+/Same Sex Attracted people. We hope that after listening you are equipped with some great tools and are drawn to be more humble and Jesus-like in the way you treat all people. 
Michelle T. Sanchez (M.Div., Th.M.) has served in various discipleship and evangelism leadership roles for more than a decade, including campus ministry, local church ministry, and national denominational leadership. She currently serves as Executive Director of Revoice. Founded in 2018, Revoice is a growing movement that supports and encourages gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other same-sex-attracted Christians—as well as those who love them—so that all in the Church might be empowered to live in gospel unity while observing the historic Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality in their local faith communities. Prior to this, Michelle served as Executive Minister of Make and Deepen Disciples for the Evangelical Covenant Church. She has worked as an investment banker with Goldman Sachs and has served in various capacities with the Institute for Bible Reading, Cru, and the Lausanne Movement. Michelle earned an M.Div. and Th.M. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, completed spiritual direction training at Boston College, and studied the life and times of Jesus at Jerusalem University College. She is the author of Color-Courageous Discipleship, Color-Courageous Discipleship Student Edition, and the picture book, God’s Beloved Community. Michelle is a frequent conference speaker whose writings have also appeared in Outreach Magazine, Faith & Leadership, Missio Alliance, The Priscilla Papers, The Message Women’s Devotional Bible (2025), and beyond. Find her at
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube:
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Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at or to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at using promo code BEYOND
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Monday Feb 05, 2024

Ken Wytsma discusses his journey from being a high-achieving leader to one slowed down by chronic illness and how this has made him relook at his identity. Throughout this conversation, Ken shares a lot of wisdom gained from doing pastoral and justice work for decades, including how to go at a sustainable pace.
Ken is a pastor, entrepreneur, and thought-leader. He is the founder of The Justice Conference, which has reached over thirty thousand people across eleven countries with a message on a theology of justice and God’s call to give our lives away.
Ken is also the author of Pursuing Justice, The Grand Paradox, Create vs. Copy, Redeeming How We Talk, The Myth of Equality, which was named as one of the Top-Five Religion Books of 2017 by Publishers Weekly.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube:
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at or to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at using promo code BEYOND
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Noah’s Rant: Puzzles!?

Tuesday Dec 26, 2023

Tuesday Dec 26, 2023

Noah's Rant is a stand-alone episode of The Flip Side Podcast with Noah Filipiak. Subscribe to the podcast or this YouTube channel today.

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

Noah shares transparently about issues he's had with control, how that has led to depression, and how he has recently experienced a breakthrough. This episode is a sequel to the December 2nd "Five Minute Flip" on the same topic.
Flip Side Notes:
"How to Improve Psychological Flexibility"
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at or to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at using promo code BEYOND
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Friday Nov 10, 2023

Noah and Pastor Juanita Rasmus have a conversation around how to live in the unmerited love of God when everything inside of us says we need to perform in order to be accepted. Juanita is the author of Learning to Be: Finding Your Center After the Bottom Falls Out and is a pastor who endured a 9-month crash following ministry burnout. Listen in to discover the freeing truths of Jesus' love that she found at the bottom of the pit and learn the tools and rhythms you need to start experiencing this freedom here and now.
Juanita Campbell Rasmus is a speaker, writer, spiritual director, and contemplative. She previously was copastor of the St. John’s United Methodist Church for thirty-one years in downtown Houston with her husband, Rudy. Started with nine members in 1992, thousands have joined the St. John's family, making it one of the most culturally diverse congregations in the country.
Pastor Juanita has served as a member of the board of directors of Renovaré and its ministry team founded by Richard Foster. Additionally, Juanita serves on the board of her alma mater, Houston Graduate School of Theology, and on advisory boards for Rice University's Religion and Public Life Program and re:MIND Houston.
Juanita cofounded Bread of Life, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, with Rudy in 1992 and began serving meals to the homeless in the sanctuary at St. John's. Juanita most recently teamed up with Tina Knowles Lawson and Beyoncé to help forty thousand flood victims recover in the wake of Hurricane Harvey in Houston. In addition to addressing issues of health and disaster relief, Juanita launched the Temenos Community Development Corporation in 2006, which recently completed over thirty million dollars in housing development projects for the previously homeless in downtown Houston. She also founded The Art Project-Houston to empower the city's homeless to become hope-filled painters and artisans who craft their own livelihood and create lives filled with new possibilities.
You can also watch this episode on YouTube:
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Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at or to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at using promo code BEYOND
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Friday Oct 27, 2023

Church planting pastors Cindy Riley, Josh Cramer, Laura Tarro, and Noah Filipiak have a candid conversation about the ups and downs of church planting, the pressure to be big, insecurities, why church can be unhealthy, spiritual care for pastors, and much more.
Cindy Riley is the pastor at New Beacon Covenant Church in the small town of Swannanoa, NC where Cindy grew up and went to school After over 30 years in pastoral ministry in the US and abroad God called Cindy back to her hometown with her husband Dennis to plant New Beacon. You can find out more at Cindy loves exploring the mountains of NC and traveling to visit her grandchildren in California and Oklahoma.
Josh Cramer is the lead pastor at Resurrection Covenant Boise. RCB is a young church plant in Idaho; find them at Josh has been married to Grace for over 19 years and they have three daughters. He likes the Flip Side and wants a Flip Side mug.
Laura Tarro is the founding pastor of Bethany Covenant Church in St. Charles, IL. Bethany Covenant just celebrated their one-year anniversary and meets in a donut shop. You can find their website at Laura is married to her husband Jeff and they have a daughter and a son. Laura loves caffeine and books about theology.
Noah Filipiak is the founding pastor of Mosaic Church in urban Grand Rapids, MI. Mosaic is a year and a half old and meets in a Boys & Girls Club. Their website is Noah is married to his wife Jen and they have three daughters. The Flip Side is his 3rd favorite podcast.
You can also watch this episode on YouTube:
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at or to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: (do not use “www”)
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Thursday Oct 05, 2023

Did you know women look at pornography too? When we treat porn like it's a men-only sin, it only heaps extra shame onto the women who struggle with it, making it even harder to reach out for help. If you are a woman struggling with porn and unwanted sexual behavior, then this episode is for you. It's also for ministry leaders and fellow women who want to help create safe places for women who are struggling.
Crystal Renaud Day is a pastoral counselor, certified coach, podcast host, author, and speaker with 15 years of experience working with women facing pornography and other unwanted sexual behavior. She holds a Master's in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University and numerous certifications in counseling and coaching specialties from the American Association of Christian Counselors. Crystal owns and operates Living on Purpose Coaching & Pastoral Counseling and is the founding director of, an online ministry helping women overcome porn and sexual addiction. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, ABC News, CNN, Christianity Today, The 700 Club, and more. She has authored several books including 90 Days to Wholeness and Dating Done Right. Crystal resides in the Kansas City area with her husband Tim.
You can follow She Recovery on Instagram @she.recovery
You can also watch this episode on YouTube:
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at or to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: (do not use “www”)
Email the show at Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at 

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

Is your faith going through a crisis because of unhealth you see in the contemporary model of church? Or are you a ministry leader worn out from "putting on the show" week after week? Then this conversation between Dr. Peter Sung and Noah Filipiak is for you. Peter is the author of the just released book The Post-Church Church: The Shift from Program and Place to People and Practice, which takes an honest look at the church's problems and discerns the healthy direction God is leading us to. 
Dr. Peter Sung is the Director of Church Planting and the Conference Coach for the Pacific Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church. He is also the Director of Assessment for the ECC.
Peter is an ICF-certified (International Coaching Federation) PCC-level (Professional Certified Coach) executive coach, has a doctorate in performance and organizational psychology, teaches family systems theory, and is an ordained minister with a master’s in divinity. He has worked for almost three decades in the start-up church and organizational leadership world. His highest and best offerings are coaching, conversation-based personal and organizational assessments, and public speaking. His deep drives are learning, connecting, being active, and eating good food. He feels grateful to live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with his wife, four daughters, and their goofy doodle, Hobbes.
His executing coaching website is 
You can also watch this episode on YouTube:
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at or to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: (do not use “www”)
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Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

At 18 years old, Cameron experienced a diving accident in which he broke his neck and was left permanently paralyzed. Now, from a wheelchair, he shares his story of God’s faithfulness to him through his disability.
Cameron has shared in a variety of spaces including radio ministry, three speaking tours around Ireland and in India, along with numerous engagements around the United States. Cameron‘s heart is for believers and nonbelievers alike to think accurately about suffering and disabilities and what great benefits these things bring to the church.
Cameron is an alumni from Southeastern University where he earned a degree in biblical studies. When he is not speaking, Cameron enjoys wheelchair rugby, Adaptive CrossFit, and many other activities that keep him active and engaged with his community.
Instagram: @cameronhornerministries
Facebook: Cameron Horner Ministries
Threads: @cameronhornerministries
You can also watch this episode on YouTube:
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at or to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: (do not use “www”)
Email the show at Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at 

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