
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
What's the deal with car washes?
Noah's Rant is a stand-alone episode of The Flip Side Podcast with Noah Filipiak. You can also watch this episode on YouTube. https://youtu.be/FAflkyhty2I
Subscribe to the podcast or the YouTube channel today:

Friday Sep 01, 2023

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Dr. Terence Lester returns for another conversation on The Flip Side. You can listen to Noah and Terence's first convo from episode 51 here: https://www.noahfilipiak.com/ep-51-interview-with-terence-lester-on-doing-justice-ministry-and-being-in-proximity-with-the-marginalized/
In today's conversation, the discussion is on Terence's new book All God's Children: How Confronting Buried History Can Build Racial Solidarity. The interview is full of practical ways you can be faithful to Jesus in your cross-cultural relationships and ways modern cultural trends are trying to take us away from this path.
Terence Lester (PhD, Interdisciplinary Studies, Union Institute and University) is a minister, speaker, community activist, author, and founder of Love Beyond Walls, a not-for-profit organization focused on poverty awareness and community mobilization. His campaigns on behalf of the poor, including #LoveSinksIn, have been featured in USA Today, Black Enterprise Essence, and Reader's Digest. They have been viewed by millions of people globally on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS News, NBC, Upworthy, and "The Bright Side" with Katie Couric. His books include When We Stand, I See You, Getting Past Stuck, Simple Prayers for Hurting People, and Identity Theft.
You can find Terence on Twitter and Instagram @imterencelester
You can also watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/HpY53k4GWdg
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Noah interviews Drs. Glenn Bracey and Michael Emerson on their national research project where they interviewed practicing white Christians on matters of race. What they found was that practicing white Christians hold some unique views on race that are not shared by any other demographic in the United States. Their views differ from practicing black or Latino Christians, as well as from white non-Christians.
This research is being compiled into Bracey and Emerson's upcoming book from Oxford University Press titled The Religion of Whiteness: How Racism Distorts American Christianity (February 2024).
You can also listen to Dr. Emerson's talk from the Evangelical Covenant Church's national Midwinter 2022 conference, which breaks down this research: https://www.youtube.com/live/1TinhRaCQSA?feature=share&t=1198
You can also watch this episode on YouTube:
Noah highly recommends Dr. Emerson's previous book Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America.
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Noah interviews Dr. Alan Noble about his new book On Getting Out of Bed: The Burden & Gift of Living (InterVarsity Press). They discuss the daily realities of suffering and depression contrasted with the church's tendency to fake it like everything is okay and that if you do things God's way, he will fix everything.
Alan Noble (PhD, Baylor University) is associate professor of English at Oklahoma Baptist University, cofounder and editor in chief of Christ and Pop Culture, and an advisor for the AND Campaign. He has written for the Atlantic, Vox, BuzzFeed, The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, and First Things. He is also the author of Disruptive Witness and You Are Not Your Own.
You can follow Alan on Twitter @thealannoble and read more at his website www.oalannoble.com
You can also watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/W7aw3auBKb8
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
This is Part 2 from a previous conversation Chase and Noah had about if the sign gifts (healing, tongues, prophecy, miracles) are still active.
You can listen to Part 1 of the conversation here, which is episode 72 of The Flip Side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kiqtjj5clLM
Order a copy of Chase Rashad's new book Seamless: What Your Spiritual Gifts Are Really For.
You can also watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/qav-2HFuKJM
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Who can tell the difference between a fruit and a vegetable??? Noah's Rant is a stand-alone episode of The Flip Side Podcast with Noah Filipiak. Subscribe to the podcast or this YouTube channel today.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023

Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Noah does his best to unpack what Purity Culture is, the harm it has caused, and how it's easy to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Resource mentioned: https://baremarriage.com/2023/05/what-is-purity-culture-10-things/
You can also watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/V6KAgq3FgmE
Fill out the Flip Side Podcast survey at www.noahfilipiak.com/survey
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Friday May 26, 2023

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
The first stand-alone episode of Noah's Rant: Flying!
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Greg Coles is back and helps us navigate some tough questions, including is it really possible to love LGBTQ+ people in churches that hold to the traditional biblical view of sex and marriage being between a man and a woman?
Gregory Coles is the author of Single, Gay, Christian (InterVarsity Press, 2017) and No Longer Strangers (InterVarsity Press, 2021). He holds a PhD in English from Penn State and lives in Idaho's Treasure Valley, where he works as a writer and speaker. Greg is a Senior Research Fellow at The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender and curates most of his creative activities at gregorycoles.com.
You can also watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YFbLA9Z8T3I
Fill out the Flip Side Podcast survey at www.noahfilipiak.com/survey
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Friday Apr 28, 2023

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Gregory Coles shares about being a gay, celibate, single Christian. Noah and Greg dive deep into the church's sexual ethic in a conversation that will stretch you and make you think, and hopefully open you up to a deeper understanding of how to love LGBTQ+ people.
Gregory Coles is the author of Single, Gay, Christian (InterVarsity Press, 2017) and No Longer Strangers (InterVarsity Press, 2021). He holds a PhD in English from Penn State and lives in Idaho's Treasure Valley, where he works as a writer and speaker. Greg is a Senior Research Fellow at The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender and curates most of his creative activities at gregorycoles.com.
You can also watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/u5K79oTu674
Fill out the Flip Side Podcast survey at www.noahfilipiak.com/survey
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Please fill out the Flip Side Feedback Survey at www.noahfilipiak.com/survey - thank you!

Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
This is a copy of ep. 78 as some were having trouble downloading the episode on their podcast feeds.
The Flip Side Podcast is going on a sabbatical. 5 Minute Flips will continue. Listen to this episode to learn more and be challenged to find rest in your own life.
You can also watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66ER5NwXzWs
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
The Flip Side Podcast is going on a sabbatical. 5 Minute Flips will continue. Listen to this episode to learn more and be challenged to find rest in your own life.
You can also watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66ER5NwXzWs
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Friday Feb 17, 2023

Thursday Feb 16, 2023

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Noah breaks down how to stop looking at porn. This is a must listen for men and women living in an oversexualized world.
"Beyond the Battle: A man's guide to his identity in Christ in an oversexualized world" by Noah Filipiak
Join a 7-week online small group with Noah: www.beyondthebattle.net
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes screen accountability: www.covenanteyes.com promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use "www")
For women: 90 Days to Wholeness: A Porn Addiction Recovery Devotional for Women by Crystal Renaud Day (Living on Purpose)
You can also watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/M6gz731ZJJw
Flip Side Notes: Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use "www")
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak
#recovery #podcast #porn #sexualpurity #sex #help

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Noah interviews Dr. Mark Denison on sexual addiction recovery. Mark shares his story of addiction and shares about the ministry he and his wife have to help men and couples recover from sexual addiction. You can watch the interview on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/1H2pP4U6G2w
Check out Mark's books, groups, and resources at www.theresstillhope.org
Get a free 30-day trial of Covenant Eyes accountability software at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND.
Married to Beth since 1983, Mark was a church planter and senior pastor for three churches, over 31 years. He was a university board chairman (three times), NBA chaplain, and has authored 12 books. His degrees include a Doctor of Ministry, Masters of Divinity, and Masters in Recovery. Mark is a certified PSAP and is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. He is also a regular contributor to C3 Global Network. In late 2017, Mark and Beth launched There’s Still Hope. Each week, Mark works with individual clients, leads seven Freedom Groups, and leads several Couples Groups along with Beth.
Flip Side Notes: Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Email the show at podcast@beyondthebattle.net Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak

Saturday Dec 17, 2022