
Friday Mar 14, 2025

Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Noah shares why he's taking a break from long-form podcast episodes, and what you can do to help bring them back. The content of this episode is really about soul rest, honoring limits, and enjoying God as Noah gives you an authentic look into his last two years of discernment regarding burnout and overcommitment. He shares recent breakthroughs and conclusions from this discernment period, and how God is using it to shape his spiritual formation.
5 Minute Flips will continue - make sure you are subscribed to a podcast feed like Apple Podcasts, Podbean, or Spotify to receive these.
Tax deductible donations: www.beyondthebattle.net/give
Patreon support: www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Monday Feb 17, 2025
Monday Feb 17, 2025
Noah interviews Pastor Mike Carrion on ministry in the South Bronx, the importance of proximity, and the Way of Jesus as applied in America today. They have an in-depth conversation touching on the Church & politics, mass deportation, perspectives, and the lives being affected.
You can listen to Pastor Mike's January 2025 sermon from the Evangelical Covenant Church's Midwinter Conference here.
Rev. Dr. Michael Carrion serves as the Senior Pastor and General Overseer of the Promised Land Covenant Churches located in the North and South Bronx. He also serves as the founding Chairman and Superintendent of the Bronx Academy of Promise K-8 Charter School in the Mott Haven section of the South Bronx and the Regional Coach for Church Planting and Development for the East Coast Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church.
Serves as the VP of Church Planting and Leadership Development at City To City, Michael has successfully planted several churches and charter schools across the South Bronx. He is a social justice activist, community organizer who has been nationally recognized for his work among the poor across the city.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/pUTqDFh08c8
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Monday Feb 03, 2025
Monday Feb 03, 2025
Noah interviews Dr. Ingrid Faro, author of the new book Demystifying Evil: A Biblical and Personal Exploration, on the difficult questions of evil, Satan, and demons, including questions from Flip Side Patreon supporters. The interview ranges from deep and difficult theological questions to contemporary demonic activity to our personal spiritual formation.
Ingrid Faro (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is coordinator of the MA in Old Testament program and visiting professor at Northern Seminary in Lisle, Illinois. She previously served as dean of academic affairs at Northern Seminary, dean of theology at the Scandinavian School of Theology, and director of masters programs at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. She is the author of Evil in Genesis and coauthor of Honest Answers. Additionally, she serves on the editorial board of the Bulletin for Biblical Research. She speaks and preaches internationally and lives just outside Chicago, Illinois.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/oe4kcmxF734
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Thursday Jan 30, 2025
Thursday Jan 30, 2025
This one started out as a 5 Min Flip and turned into a full episode length.
DONATE: https://give.worldrelief.org/site/Donation2?5541.donation=form1&df_id=5541&mfc_pref=T%3F
Want to interact more with me on this conversation? Become a Patreon supporter and message me there: www.noahfilipiak.com/noahfilipiak

Friday Jan 17, 2025
Friday Jan 17, 2025
Noah interviews Dr. Andrew Bauman on the alarming stats and stories of women in the church who have been sexually abused and sexually harassed by Christian men and pastors. This epidemic has roots in our theology, our problem with porn, and the power dynamics of the church. Be a part of the solution and let yourself be challenged by this stretching conversation and Andrew's brand new book SAFE CHURCH: How to Guard Against Sexism and Abuse in Christian Communities.
Founder & Director of the Christian Counseling Center: For Sexual Health & Trauma (CCC), Dr. Andrew J. Bauman is a licensed mental health counselor with a Doctorate from Northeastern University. His dissertation was on studying the impact of sexism and abuse on women in the Protestant Church. Andrew is the author of seven books, his newest book is called SAFE CHURCH: What Women Can Teach Us about Sexism, Abuse and Safety within Christian Community.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube:
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025

Thursday Dec 19, 2024

Friday Dec 13, 2024

Friday Dec 06, 2024

Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Noah interviews a Venezuelan pastor who must remain anonymous due to repercussions for anyone who speaks out against corruption in the Venezuelan government. In this one-of-a-kind interview, you'll learn from the valuable perspective of the global Church, about challenges facing churches and pastors in Venezuela, as well as how immigration has shaped the country and life-on-life ministry.
Please pray for our pastor friend and support his ministry with a financial gift. You can send donations to www.noahfilipiak.com/give using the "Venezuelan Pastor" Fund. Noah will send donations to the private ministry partner (a mutual friend of Noah's) who raises funds for Pastor because the government won't allow for formal donations to be given without bribery.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xaUq05f9rA4
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Wednesday Nov 20, 2024

Monday Nov 04, 2024
Monday Nov 04, 2024
Noah has an in-depth conversation with Mark and Beth Denison on Mark's decades-long sexual addiction, the betrayal trauma Beth experienced from that, and how they found hope and healing. This is a must-listen for anyone in recovery and their spouse.
This is Mark's second time on The Flip Side. You can listen to he and Noah's first conversation on sexual addiction here (Episode 76).
Mark and Beth Denison have been married for 41 years. Though raised in Texas, they now live in Bradenton, Florida, where they are near their son and grandson.Dr. Denison was a senior pastor for 31 years, a church planter, and a university Board chairman three times. He also served as chaplain for the Houston Rocket’s NBA franchise, and is author of 12 books, including Jesus & the 12 Steps, Porn in the Pew, and his newest release, Advanced Recovery. Mark’s training in recovery work includes a Master’s Degree with a focus on recovery. He is a trained PSAP and member of the American Association of Christian Counselors.Beth Denison has been working with women for over 40 years. She has been a church Women’s Ministry Leader, mentor, and popular speaker. Beth is a Certified Life Coach, an APSATS Certified Partner Coach, and AASAT Certified Partner Recovery Coach. She is author of 12-Week Recovery Guide for Spouses and is co-author of Couples Recovery Guide.In 2017, Mark and Beth launched There’s Still Hope, which provides one-on-one coaching, a 90-Day Recovery program for men, and 11 weekly recovery groups.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/O5EYs9l5Tl8
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Thursday Oct 17, 2024
Noah has an in-depth conversation with Matthew Soerens of World Relief and the Evangelical Immigration Table on immigration, particularly as it relates to what the Bible says and the rhetoric being used by politicians in this election cycle. Matthew explains what immigration policy is and responds to the primary concerns Americans have about immigration. Noah and Matthew talk about the public witness of the Church during this season of history with the aim of bringing us closer to the heart of Jesus.
Matthew Soerens serves as Vice President of Advocacy and Policy for World Relief and the National Coordinator for the Evangelical Immigration Table, a coalition of evangelical organizations of which World Relief is a founding member. He is the co-author of Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion & Truth in the Immigration Debate (InterVarsity Press, 2018), Seeking Refuge: On the Shores of the Global Refugee Crisis (Moody Publishers, 2016) and Inalienable: How Marginalized Kingdom Voices Can Help Save the American Church (InterVarsity Press, 2022). He is a graduate of Wheaton College (IL), where he also has served as an adjunct faculty member for the Humanitarian and Disaster Leadership graduate program. Matthew also earned a Master’s degree from DePaul University. He lives with his wife Diana and their four children in Aurora, Illinois.
Read the poem Home by Warsan Shire
Read Scripture that relates to immigration
Read and sign World Relief's presidential open letter on immigration
Listen to Noah's first podcast interview with Matthew Soerens on immigration from August 2016
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3RYcHzIN8VE
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Friday Oct 04, 2024
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Noah has a conversation with Katara Washington Patton about depression, anxiety, and worry–how common these struggles are in Scripture and amongst Christians, but how they are stigmatized in the church. They talk about breaking through barriers to reach out for help if you need it, as well as how to be a good friend to someone struggling with their mental health.
Katara Washington Patton is Executive Editor at Our Daily Bread Publishing, and the author of eight books, including her latest Navigating the Blues: Where to Turn When Worry, Anxiety, or Depression Steal Your Hope, an Amazon best-seller.
She is also the author of Successful Moms of the Bible, Successful Women of the Bible, and Successful Leaders of the Bible, among other works.
Katara has worked in the editorial and acquisitions departments at Weekly Reader Corporation, Jet Magazine, Urban Ministries, Inc. (UMI), McGraw-Hill, The African American Pulpit, The Chicago Defender, Tyndale House Publishers, and Christian Century Magazine. She is currently also a regular contributor to the daily devotions at Our Daily Bread.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/NmrqOJmmqQQ
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Wednesday Oct 02, 2024

Friday Sep 27, 2024

Friday Sep 20, 2024
Friday Sep 20, 2024
Noah has a conversation with Pieter Valk on how the opposite of addiction is connection, how our culture grooms us into isolation, and how we need to be very intentional to get out of that rut and find true community.
Pieter Valk is a speaker/author on vocational singleness and LGBT+ topics according to a biblical sexual ethic, the Executive Director of Equip (a Christian ministry that trains leaders around LGBT+ topics), a cofounder of the Nashville Family of Brothers (an ecumenically Christian modern monastery), a teacher/aspiring deacon in the Anglican Church in North America, and a licensed professional counselor. He helps churches love gay people and celibate Christians find family. Follow him on socials @pieterLvalk and learn more at www.pieterLvalk.com.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-eghFh-91gc
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Noah has a conversation with Dr. Sandra Richter on her new Bible study Deborah: Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges. In the podcast interview, Sandy talks through difficult stumbling blocks to approaching the Old Testament like violence and sexism. She gives great insight into why and how to read the Old Testament and apply it to our lives as new covenant Christians, with a focus on the unique person of Deborah.
Sandy Richter is the Robert H. Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA. Richter earned her PhD in Hebrew Bible from Harvard University and her MA in Theological Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is the author of The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament (IVP) and the much-loved series of video Bible study curriculums that have grown from that project. She has taught at Asbury Theological Seminary, Wesley Biblical Seminary, and Wheaton College. As her many students will tell you, Sandy’s particular gift is bringing the real people and real places of the biblical narrative to life. Richter is a member of the New International Version (NIV) Translation Committee, she has spent many years bringing student groups to Israel to study historical geography and field archaeology, and in her technical work often writes on the intersections between Syro-Palestinian archaeology, linguistics and Bible. She is the author of the brand new Bible study, Deborah: Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges, which includes an 8-Session Video Bible Study Part of the Epic of Eden Curriculum Series.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Jt4rHesbhRQ
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Noah has a conversation with Kristen Miele on sex education in today's day and age. They talk through complex issues like abortion, LGBTQ, porn, and much more.
Kristen Miele is the founder and owner of Sex Ed Reclaimed. She has been educating youth on the topic of sex for the last 15 years, teaching in hundreds of diverse settings including 2 different countries on content related to sex and sexuality. Kristen has a Bachelor’s and Masters of Science in Community Health from the University of Illinois and is also a Certified Health Education Specialist. The vision for Sex Ed Reclaimed came to her in November 2021through prayer. Kristen lives with her husband and daughter. They are expecting their second daughter in October and live in Columbus, Ohio.
@sexedreclaimed for IG, TikTok
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/MrOo8M2Tk7s
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Noah has a conversation with Sean Nemecek on the high rate of burnout by those in serving fields like nurses, doctors, counselors, teachers, and pastors. They hone in on pastors and the church, looking at what causes burnout, how we can better care for our pastors, and what spiritual practices are needed by all of us.
Sean Nemecek is the author of The Weary Leader’s Guide to Burnout (Outreach Magazine's 2024 Leadership Resource of the Year) and the West Michigan Regional Director for Pastor-in-Residence Ministries. Sean served as a pastor for 18 years before joining PIR. Now he works as both a spiritual director and ministry coach — specializing in coaching people through burnout and helping organizations develop an anti-burnout culture. He is all about helping people feel seen, heard, and known in the welcoming presence of our loving God.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/HtntchR1ELI
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Noah has an in-depth conversation with his former seminary professor Dr. David Turner about macro trends in Christian colleges and seminaries, and deep concerns about Noah's alma mater and Dr. Turner's employer of 32 years, Cornerstone University & Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. The conversation will address abusive leadership, dishonesty and manipulation, and merging Christianity with politics, all while boldly claiming to be Christ-centered. This conversation comes from a deep love both Noah and David have for Cornerstone University, and a responsibility they feel to speak up for Kingdom values.
We hope this creates a space for CU/GRTS alumni to process and grieve, and for those who aren't connected with the school to think critically about trends within American Christianity and how that compares to the Jesus of the Bible.
You don't have to agree with everything we say in this conversation. Noah and David don't agree on everything. But we hope this helps you think deeply and pray more effectively.
https://www.instagram.com/voiceofcu https://voiceofcu.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/cornerstonejournalism/
Dr. David Turner began teaching at Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary in 1986, later named Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, where he retired in 2018. David is an ordained minister, and has served as a pastor and an interim pastor at four churches. Before coming to Grand Rapids he taught at Baptist Bible College of PA and Grace Theological Seminary. Currently he serves as a Scholar in Residence for New Testament Studies at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He has published two commentaries on Matthew and a monograph on Jesus and the Jewish leaders in Matthew 23. His latest book Interpreting the Gospels and Acts was published by Kregel Publications in their Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis series. He blogs at drdavidlturner.com.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/2QtUppjwRHI
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Noah has an in-depth conversation with his former seminary professor Dr. David Turner about macro trends in Christian colleges and seminaries, and deep concerns about Noah's alma mater and Dr. Turner's employer of 32 years, Cornerstone University & Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. The conversation will address abusive leadership, dishonesty and manipulation, and merging Christianity with politics, all while boldly claiming to be Christ-centered. This conversation comes from a deep love both Noah and David have for Cornerstone University, and a responsibility they feel to speak up for Kingdom values.
We hope this creates a space for CU/GRTS alumni to process and grieve, and for those who aren't connected with the school to think critically about trends within American Christianity and how that compares to the Jesus of the Bible.
You don't have to agree with everything we say in this conversation. Noah and David don't agree on everything. But we hope this helps you think deeply and pray more effectively.
https://www.instagram.com/voiceofcu https://voiceofcu.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/cornerstonejournalism/
Dr. David Turner began teaching at Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary in 1986, later named Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, where he retired in 2018. David is an ordained minister, and has served as a pastor and an interim pastor at four churches. Before coming to Grand Rapids he taught at Baptist Bible College of PA and Grace Theological Seminary. Currently he serves as a Scholar in Residence for New Testament Studies at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He has published two commentaries on Matthew and a monograph on Jesus and the Jewish leaders in Matthew 23. His latest book Interpreting the Gospels and Acts was published by Kregel Publications in their Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis series. He blogs at drdavidlturner.com.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/65Oy4v1oEh4
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Noah has a conversation with Dr. Joy Skarka about her journey of overcoming pornography, as well as the stigma and shame that it came with. Joy is on staff at Authentic Intimacy, which provides a multitude of resources to help men, women, and couples overcome unwanted sexual behavior and find healing. She and Dr. Juli Slattery's new book Her Freedom Journey: A Guide Out of Porn and Shame to Authentic Intimacy is available on July 2nd, 2024. Be sure to pick up your copy today.
Dr. Joy Skarka is the Authentic Intimacy Program Manager and is on the front lines of serving the Authentic Intimacy member community. Joy joined the Authentic Intimacy team in 2020 and has built a transformational ministry for women who struggle with sexual shame and pornography. (Read Joy’s blogs here.)
Joy is passionate about creating spaces to free women from sexual shame and leads online small groups for women with unwanted sexual behavior. She coaches and teaches Christian leaders how to help women find freedom from sexual shame and pornography. Joy is an Adjunct Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary teaching the course “Sexuality and Ethics”.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Z_lgJb6fGmo
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.

Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
Noah has a conversation with Jalen Seawright on worship and justice. This conversation is meant to help you think critically and come closer to the heart of God for worship and the oppressed. It centers around applying biblical texts to modern day racial and economic injustices, and casts a vision for churches and Christians who believe in the whole Bible and want to obey it and live it out. As Jalen says, "Less talk, and more walk!" You will be challenged and stretched by this conversation. If you want to grow in your walk with the Lord, tune in!
Jalen Seawright is a pastor, community activist and justice advocate. He and his wife reside in the Detroit area and have three beautiful daughters. Jalen is an experienced musician and worship leader who has spent most of his life serving churches in Michigan’s urban core. Jalen continues to work in music and leads worship for various churches in the metro Detroit region. He is currently the Worship Pastor at LifeChurch Southfield and LifeChurch Riverside. He is a member of the band Common Hymnal.
You can also watch the podcast episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/jq1Z3pDM-Co
Flip Side Notes:
Join an upcoming Beyond the Battle online group at www.beyondthebattle.net
Support Flip Side sponsor Angry Brew by using promo code FLIP at angrybrew.com or fivelakes.com to pick up some Angry Brew or Chris’ Blend coffee at 10% off.
Get a free month of Covenant Eyes at www.covenanteyes.com using promo code BEYOND
Get a free month of Accountable2You keyword accountability: a2u.app/beyond (do not use “www”)
Support the show and get some sweet swag by becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/noahfilipiak – includes exclusive access to email the show and request topics.
Purchase Beyond the Battle and Needed Navigation by Noah Filipiak.